
You Are In the Right Place

If you are the guy who goes to church on Sundays with his family and does not know a ton about your faith, you are in the right place.  If you are a man that wants to just learn more about your faith, you are in the right place.

This is a blog and podcast for men that want to learn more about their faith and about being a man in today’s world. We cover things such as marriage, raising kids, prayer, what the Church teaches and lots of other topics. We frequently have guests on the podcast to share their stories.

Who This Website is For

We are for the man that was not educated very well in the Catholic faith growing up. We help you to learn more about the faith and how to teach your children the faith. Our goal is to help you to become a better Catholic husband, father and man.

My Story

I grew up as a “cradle Catholic. I went to public schools and attended CCD like many of you. I did not get much out of CCD and went as I got older only because there were girls there.

In college I left the faith and went on a self-discovery. Most of the professors were atheist or agnostic at best. So I waded through these and thought that agnostic was better than an atheist because I did believe there was a God. I was a “Chreaster” meaning I went to church at Christmas and Easter when I was at home on break.

I started attending mass again when I met my wife.  Funny how this works for men. We floated between parishes trying to find one that had a school because we wanted to send the kids to Catholic schools. She had gone to Catholic schools through high school.

We have four children. We have two boys and two girls. We had girl, boy, girl, boy just as we planned it (just kidding). Well when my oldest daughter got to be about four she started asking inquisitive questions about the faith. They were good questions and I could not answer them. So I decided I better learn about the faith so I could answer a four year olds questions. I studied books, listened to tapes and cd’s.  I learned about apologetics and got to the point that I could facilitate classes in it. Now I want to help men like you become men who know their faith. I have learned that the more men know about the Catholic faith, the more they come to appreciate it’s beauty and how much it makes sense and at the same time remains a mystery.

I have a podcast that is on Itunes, Stitcher and Google Play. Subscribe to the podcast Regular Catholic Guy now. Give us a rating and if you would give a review we would appreciate it greatly.

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