The Regular Catholic Guy Reading List
Here is an introductory list of recommended books. We have spoken about some of these books on the podcast. The list covers everything from the bible to learning about your and your spouse/significant others love language. The New Catholic Answers Bible - NABRE Catechism of the Catholic Church Youcat – Cardinal Christoph Schonborn Theology of the Body for Beginners - West The Faith Explained – Leo J Trese Life of Christ – Fulton J Sheen Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul – John Eldredge Rediscovering Catholicism – Matthew Kelly Theology for Beginners – Frank Sheed One Step Closer: 40 Doses of Motivation, Hacks and Experiences to Share with Millennial Catholics – Anthony Freeman Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism: – Scott Hahn The Lambs Supper: The…