Sexual Identity with Dr. John Finley
My guest is Dr. John Finley we will be talking about the new book Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science and Revelation. Dr. Finley is academic director of the Valor Institute in San Diego, California. We discuss a wide variety of topics including gender dysphoria, the transgender movement, the soul, the definition of a man and woman and lots more. Sexual Identity Dr. John Finley: https://www.valoreducation.org/leadership/dr-john-finley Buy the Book: https://www.amazon.com.au/Sexual-Identity-Harmony-Philosophy-Revelation/dp/1645851893 Share the podcast with your friends and family. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Help us to reach more people by leaving a rating and review on the show on iTunes. Check out the YouTube page . Thank you for your support. God bless! The Regular Catholic Guy